Before you say anything...I KNOW it's been forever and a day since I last posted on my blog. Whether or not I can claim the excuse that we moved our family of 10 nearly 600 miles from Georgia to Indiana in July, or that our oldest daughter got married in October, or that we have had so much going on in our lives that I can't even put it into words....I'm going to claim all of them as my excuse anyway! It's my blog and I'll cry if I want to. It has definitely been a time of many testings and trials, but God is faithful. Life is not simple. At least not all the time. But we know that God works all things out for our good, and it is ultimately for His glory. Anyway...
It's December and December is my favorite month of the whole year! I absolutely LOVE Christmas time! "I'm in love, I'm in love, and I don't care who knows it!" Yes, we got our yearly dose of Elf last week! It is a family tradition of ours to kick off the Christmas season with Elf. And every week until Christmas we watch a different Christmas movie and on Christmas day we watch It's a Wonderful Life. We usually throw in The Nativity Story, The Bishops Wife, A Christmas Carol...and maybe a couple others. I also like to make a lot of Christmas gifts. This year I'm not making as many as I have before, but I'm still making my fair share. We also like to put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving, but this year it didn't go as planned. Somehow in our move, it got lost. I say "lost" because no one knows what happened to it. That has happened to many things during our moves...things just get "lost". But, we got another one and everything is good. All the kids enjoy decorating the tree, but I especially love watching the little ones. Which happened to be Miss Liberty this year. She was in awe of the lights and decorations. She would spout off, "I am SO happy!" I love to see the pure excitement on their faces.

What are some of your family's Christmas traditions? I would love to hear about them! Just leave me a comment, and we can shoot the breeze about Christmas for a while.
Oh, and hopefully I can get this blog kicked back into gear. :-)
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