We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. God truly is good, even amidst our failures and shortcomings. Even when we seem to overlook the many things He blesses us with each and every day. Why are we so prone to take our MANY blessings for granted? We don't deserve His mercy and grace. But that is one of the many things that makes our God an AWESOME God! "His mercy endureth forever."
With Thanksgiving past, the wonderful, joyous season of Christmas is here! I LOVE Christmas! We were able to put a real tree up this year, a Leyland Cypress! Thanks to our good friends {who have good connections}. It is beautiful! We make a big to do about putting the ornaments on the tree, so it takes quite a while to get it all done. Everyone gets involved. I also like to make a new ornament every year for each of us and this year we used the age-old shrinky dinks! We had a lot of fun making them, especially watching them shrink! I got a little carried away and made a few more, but they turned out great!

After all was said and done, we turned off the lights, had devotions, and sat there for a while, just looking at the tree. Isn't Christmas wonderful?
It is wonderful! Liberty is getting so big.