Boy, that sure got you here quick! Everyone loves a little secret, don't they? But I won't count you, YOU just follow my blog on a regular basis and so you just naturally came over to see what I posted....right? Well, whatever the reason, I guess I'll let you in on MY little secret.....Okay, here it is....Hello, my name is Sonya and I have O.R.D.*
Whew! Thanks for letting me get that off my back! I feel better already! Now I can get on with my post.

Okay, enough about my problem. Do you want to hear the really good news? Well, since I have this silly disorder, I just happened to re-arrange this week and I got a new SEWING ROOM! I am LOVING it! It's actually the whole fam's sewing room {us girls at least} and it doubles as my office. It is just GREAT! See, I was a woman without a room. My poor office and sewing stuff just couldn't find the right place to fit in. It was sad. But not anymore! I even have a window that looks out back where I can watch the kids playing outside. Yeah, those kids can now run and play without any worries about Mom dragging them back inside to re-arrange, again {for now, anyway}. I will post a picture of my new room, eventually, so you can be excited with me. For now though, I am going to sit here and enjoy my coffee in my new room. Y'all come back, ya hear.
*there is no support group for this disorder. If you need help, well, your just out of luck!
*there is no support group for this disorder. If you need help, well, your just out of luck!
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