While doing a little "surfing" this week, I have come across a few web sites that look to be interesting. One is brand new, just starting out. It is called Raising Homemakers. They are having a couple of giveaways as well to kick-off the start of their new blog, so be sure to hop on over!
If your into coupons, then Shop At Home is the site for you. They have coupons for every store imaginable.
Here is a great site if you like to shop from home. It's called Ebates. When you become a member (it's free) you will receive cash back when you order from many different retailers online. You can't lose with this one!
And then of course there's Paper Back Swap. This is my girls' favorite. They have benefited from it the most so far. If you love books, and especially FREE books, be sure to sign up!
This next one I absolutely love! You will only understand if you are a true computer geek, design nerd, OKAY, if you like to design for your blog..... then you will like this one too! It's called Pattern Cooler. And let me tell you, it is Cool! You can design your own backgrounds and choose from many different designs and colors. Give it a try! Admit it, you want to.... you're a true computer geek at heart ♥
Here is another "design your own background" site. It's called BG Patterns.
Okay, so here is one more for the graphically-challenged individuals... Background Labs.
Home-school is coming to a close for us in about 4 days, *stops to sing the Hallelujah Chorus* but here is a site I don't know much about, but it said FREE Worksheets, so that grabbed my attention. It's called School Express. I don't know about you, but I look so forward to a summer break from schooling, I can't imagine doing it year round. I'm not against any of you that do it, but it's not for me. I also have a brood of kids that probably wouldn't like me very much if I incorporated year-long school. (And yes, I know that technically we teach our kids every day...just not "technically") ... you know what I mean....
Well, that's it for now... I know there were others but they have slipped my mind at the moment. So, until next time..... tootle loo!
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