Do you know that when you really set your mind to thinking....even if you have a mind like mine that wanders, and wanders... and still wanders some more; you know, it seems that the older I've gotten, (and I'm not like old, OLD...yet) that I can't seem to keep my mind focused on any one thing for more than a few minutes at a time (sometimes seconds) and it is just about to drive me bonkers! I'm THAT woman.... you know, the one with ADD. :) Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah, when you really concentrate on what your thinking about, then you will realize there is so much to be thankful for... yeah, even my fuzzy, wandering mind. I guess I should still be thankful that I have a mind! I could start typing right now, and still be typing next week about every seemingly insignificant thing that I have to be thankful for! I live in America, in the great state of Georgia! My belly is full,
I just won't tell you that I have been sneaking into my chocolate stash... I am warm, I have children snoozing in their beds, I even have a husband who is so sweet that he brought me flowers today! My point being in all this rambling drizzle is that we tend to over look so many things that we take for granted on a daily basis. The fact that God sustains us with food, clothing, a roof over our heads, and the daily necessities of life that if we didn't have them, then where would we be? I am also blessed with a mother and father who love me and brothers and sisters that are close to my heart. I have seen the hand of God this week in lives and it amazes me still how much grace and mercy God gives to His children. How much He cares for and uplifts those who rely on Him. Only a true child of God can experience loss and yet see God's providential care and blessing on their lives! I am so thankful for this life that God has allowed me to live at this place and this time in His-story.
His love is amazing, steady and unchanging; His love is a mountain, firm beneath my feet...
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