Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Great Gang of Kids!

I am blessed.  Why?  I do not know.  But God is so good to me, even in the midst of all my failures, complaints, and ingratitude.  There is Nothing I deserve ...except Hell.  But GOD.... who is Rich in Mercy!  I am SO glad He is rich in Mercy!  But it doesn't stop right there.... He blesses me in so many ways!  And one of my most precious blessings are my children!  He has blessed me and my husband with 7 beautiful girls and 1 sweetheart of a son!  (he's mama's favorite boy in all the world, btw)  I couldn't be more thankful!  We are by no means, rich in money or material wealth.  And if you knew the half of it, you would probably wonder how in the world we get by....  But God has richly blessed us with our children.  No, we're not "skipping through the clouds eating bon-bons with smiles on our faces with nothing but kind things to say to each other" every day.  As a matter of fact, I don't ever recall doing that!!  We are normal people with sin natures, and we do have our battles.  But I am so thankful for my bunch of kiddos!  I love them very much!

 (Liberty isn't in this picture)

So here she is!

(click to see large)

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